"Someone who glows so brightly is not going to grow old," Fellini once prophesied about Irene Staub aka Lady Shiva, one of the greatest of all Swiss divas. Thanks to her aura and self-mystification, many doors opened to her during Zürich’s exuberant years between 1968 and late ’80s. Discovered by a pioneer of Swiss fashion design, Irene managed to make the break from streetwalking to the art scene in-crowd. She worked successfully as a model, muse and performer, and pursued her dream of becoming a singer, starting out in a legendary Zürich underground band. But she lived life in the fast lane. Torn between the stress and strain of success, a yearning for freedom and self-destructive urges, she died far too young under circumstances that were never fully cleared up.
With archival footage, including material never shown to the public before and featuring a number of her prominent contemporaries, this film carries us back to a vibrant age of boundless possibilities, in which the sky seemed the only limit for people like Lady Shiva, an age that to this day still kindles a yearning in us. «Glow» by Gabriel Baur tells the story of a rebel‘s odyssey in search of identity - and a stirring friendship and love.

GLOW Release in the U.S.
We are happy to announce the US Release of GLOW by First Run Features
the 15th of June 2023 with a Theatrical Release & Opening at the Cinema Laemmle, Los Angeles.
The Streaming and DVD Releases are coming to the U.S. soon!
Opening Night Premiere
June 15 at Laemmle's Royal in West L.A., 7pm
One Week Run:
June 16-22 at Laemmle's Monica Film Center in Santa Monica
Thanks to First Run Features, Cinema Laemmle, Swiss Films, the Swiss Federal Office of Culture.
Missed GLOW in the movie theater?
GLOW is now available on DVD:
· GLOW on streaming platforms:
https://www.filmingo.ch/de/ (coming soon)
· First TV broadcast on Monday, 17 August 2020 - 22.25h on 3sat
GLOW Theatrical Release German Switzerland
7th of December 2017
From the 30th of November at LunchKino Zurich
Tickets »
in the presence of the directress Gabriel Baur
Sunday, 3rd of December, 12.15h
Arthouse LeParis, Zurich
Wednesday, 6th of December, 18.15h
Kino Rex, Bern
Thursday, 7th of December, 20h
Kinok, St. Gallen
Further informations following
Distribution Cineworx »

World Premiere at the
Zurich Film Festival 2017 of the 29th of September

Past screenings
Basel - kult.kino camera »
Bern - Kino REX »
Biel / Bienne - Filmpodium »
Frauenfeld - Cinema Luna »
Glarus - Kulturbuchhandlung »
Luzern - Stattkino »
Olten - Lichtspiele »
St. Gallen - Kinok »
Thusis - Kino Rätia »
Uster - qtopia »
Zurich - Arthouse Movie »
Zug - Cinema Gotthard »


Irene Staub Lady Shiva
Ursula Rodel
Tabea Blumenschein
Karl Lienert Karl Löwenherz »
Boris Blank Yello »
Christoph Müller Christoph Columbus »
Isabella Glückler

Written and directed by
Director of Photography
Editing Consultant
Original Music composed by
Songs by
Sound Editing, Sound Design
& Sound Mixing
Image Processing and Colorist
Associate Producer
Jeanne Vites
Dressed Up Animals
Birte Gerstenkorn
Assistant Director
Production Manager,
Production Assistant, Unit Manager
Cooperation Editing & Assistant Editing
Postproduction Studio Image
Postproduction Studio Sound
Digitalization and Processing
Archival Footage
Additional Digitalization
Archival Footage
Original Music recorded at
Mixed and Mastered by
Supported by
Laura Coppens, Zürich, Berlin »
Nina Bachellerie

"Congratulations to your beautiful film. It's a momentum on big screen!"
- Michel
"I don't know wether I want to hate or love this film. I need to watch it again."
- Young male spectator
"The way this film is built up makes it impossible for me to judge the protagonists
in the same way as I would usually judge them."
- Young female spectator
"In ihrem manchmal beinahe überwältigend-schön inszenierten Film GLOW dreht nun die Zürcher Regisseurin Gabriel Baur die konventionelle Lebensdramaturgie der Lady Shiva konsequent um."
"Insofern ist GLOW in der Tat kein erklärender Dokumentarfilm sondern wirklich eine Art Spiegel."
"Hier wird nicht ein tragisches Schicksal nachgezeichnet, sondern gestaunt über Widersprüche und Schönheit."
Radio SRF 2, KONTEXT, Künste im Gespräch: (...) "GLOW"
Michael Sennhauser
Zur Sendung »
"Gabriel Baur schuf nicht nur ein glühendes, modisch wie menschliches Porträt dieser aussergewöhnlichen Erscheinung und Diva, sondern auch ein Zeitbild der späten Sechziger- bis Achtzigerjahre."
CINEMAN, Rolf Breiner
"Regisseurin Gabriel Baur ist ein spannendes, stimmungsvoll inszeniertes Porträt über die 80er-Ikone Irene Staub gelungen."
"Harte Schnitte treffen auf laute Punk-Rock-Töne. Originalaufnahmen aus den Siebzigern vermischen sich mit emotionalen Interviews aus dem Hier und Jetzt.
Zürcher Ikonen wie Ursula Rodel plaudern aus dem Nähkästchen. Ein wunderbarer Film, der einen in die verruchte Vergangenheit Zürichs blicken lässt."
BLICK AM ABEND, Lukas Rüttimann, Carolina Lermann
„Bildstark erzählt Regisseurin Gabriel Baur in «Glow» vom Leben von Lady Shiva alias Irene Staub, die zu den grossen Ikonen der bewegten Epoche zwischen 1968 und den späten 1980er-Jahren zählte."
„Gabriel gibt Menschen, die Irene in ihrem kreativen Schaffen unterstützt haben, Raum, ihren persönlichen Rückblick zu erzählen."
„Und doch blieb die Erkenntnis, dass diese Frau wohl nicht fassbar ist.
Und genau dieses Mysterium macht ihre Faszination aus.“
NZZ am Sonntag, Christian Jungen
„Femme fatale total."
„Die Schweizer Filmemacherin schafft aber nicht nur eine filmische Hommage an eine
provokative Persönlichkeit, sondern stellt vielmehr die Zürcher Kunstszene in den Fokus, die während jener (jugend-)bewegten
Zeit international für Aufmerksamkeit sorgte.“
Programmzeitung, Kultur im Raum Basel, Nicole Gisler
"GLOW funktioniert als Panoptikum, als Kaleidoskop einer ausserordentlichen, bewegten und freiheitsliebenden Persönlichkeit. Gabriel Baur pinselt ein schillerndes Panorama aus einzelnen Charakterzügen auf die Leinwand, die zusammen die Person Irena Staub und die Figur Lady Shiva ergeben."
SAITEN, Corinne Riedener
"Women in general are an inspiration to me.
There are no ugly women."
- Ursula Rodel
"Love...It's madness.
It's a word: love...What is love?"
- Irene Staub
"No one had shown me that respect: Who you are. Your feelings.
That attitude that she built up with me is something I want for our music as well."
- Karl Lienert «Löwenherz»
"You can have tons of euphoria, sure.
But creating with euphoria is precision, of course."
- Federico Emanuel Pfaffen
"I collected sounds, like that scotch tape which I turned into a thunderstorm.
That's how I built my musical world. A child-like joy plays a big role in it.
It's an adventure, an experiment."
- Boris Blank
"In her sometimes almost overwhelmingly beautifully staged film "Glow", the Zurich director Gabriel Baur is consistently reversing the conventional life dramaturgy of Lady Shiva."
"In that sense, "Glow“ is indeed not an explanatory documentary but a kind of mirror."
"Here is no tragic fate being traced, but marveled at contradictions and beauty.“
Radio SRF 2, KONTEXT, Künste im Gespräch: (...) "GLOW"
Michael Sennhauser
Zur Sendung »
"Gabriel Baur created not only a glowing, modern as well as human portrait of this extraordinary appearance and diva, but also an image of the time period from the late sixties till the eighties."
CINEMAN, Rolf Breiner »
"Director Gabriel Baur has succeeded in creating an exciting, atmospherically realized portrait of the 80s icon Irene Staub."
"Hard cuts meet loud punk-rock tones, and original recordings from the 1970s mix with emotional interviews from the here and now. Zurich icons like Ursula Rodel chat out of the box. A wonderful film that lets you look into the rough past of Zurich."
BLICK AM ABEND, Lukas Rüttimann, Carolina Lermann »
„Visually powerful, director Gabriel Baur tells in „Glow" of the life of Lady Shiva, aka Irene Staub, who was one of the great icons of the turbulent era between 1968 and the late 1980s."
TAGES-ANZEIGER, David Sarasin »
"Gabriel gives people who have supported Irene in her creative work space to tell their personal retrospection.“
gay.ch »
"And yet, one comes to realize that this woman is elusive.
And it is exactly this mystery that puts out her fascination. "
NZZ am Sonntag, Christian Jungen
„Femme fatale total."
"The Swiss filmmaker does not just create a cinematic tribute to one rather provocative personality, but rather puts the Zurich art scene into focus, which attracted international attention during this youth moves time."
PROGRAMMZEITUNG, Kultur im Raum Basel, Nicole Gisler
"GLOW works as a panopticon, as a kaleidoscope of an extraordinary, moving and freedom-loving personality." Gabriel Baur paints a dazzling panorama of individual traits on the canvas, which together form the person Irena Staub and the figure Lady Shiva."
SAITEN, Corinne Riedener
"(...) the numerous photos that Gabriel Baur often arranges in GLOW as a triptych, multiplication or reflection across the entire width of the canvas, thus letting the pictures speak to each other, creating little stories that, without explanation, can resurrect a world in which everything seemed possible (...)"
FILMBULLETIN, Tereza Fischer
"Exciting, mesmerizing, seduced and sometimes shaking your head, you follow this fascinating woman who lived the dream of an era, anarchic, surreal, self-destructive and timelessly beautiful."
Katka Räber-Schneider, Filmblog
"At its center is a sensitive, honest and resonant portrait of a special woman: with a provocative and insecure appearance, full of creativity and destructiveness, and a well-shaping past that Baur deliberately blanks out to avoid premature, superficial psychological interpretations of the life-history of Irene Staub alias Lady Shiva."
der-andere-film.ch, Hanspeter Stalder »
"Gabriel Baur ("Venus Boyz") wants to create not only a tribute to this extraordinary woman with her film, but also a projection screen that invites you to look in the mirror yourself: "Am I alive? Do I draw from the full? Am I taking my chances?
Or maybe I do not want that? - And why?"
ARTTV Film des Monats
"The new Swiss documentary feature „ Glow“ by Gabriel Baur is currently shaking up
the cinemas in Zurich like Irene Staub did in her time in the 70's. "

Book "Irene" by Roswitha Hecke
Book "Female chic" by Gina Bucher
Book "Lady Shiva" by Willi Wottreng
The photos from Roswitha Hecke's book "Liebesleben" and her book "Irene"
play a crucial role in «Glow».
Willi Wottreng's book contributed essentially to the research of the life of Irena Staub.

Answer the following question by e-mail to: info@onixfilms.com
What words are being whispered by Ursula Rodel at the end of the movie?
(1:36:58 / Tipp: She speaks English)
Price for the first right answer:
Dinner with fashion designer Ursula Rodel and directress Gabriel Baur
+ 1 book of choice:
Excluded from participation are contributers & co-knowers.
Book "Irene" by Roswitha Hecke
Book "Female chic" by Gina Bucher
Book "Lady Shiva" by Willi Wottreng
Freiestrasse 76
CH-8024 Zürich
Phone: +41-(0)44-2723800
Email: info@onixfilms.com
Email: info@onfeatures.com
Have Questions or Suggestions?